Gifted IQ Testing

Talk to An Experienced IQ Assessment Specialist

Not sure if your child is intellectually gifted? Grades don't always tell the whole story. Through appropriate testing, public school children in St. Johns County and Duval County have already been identified as gifted and are receiving enriched educational experience.

gifted IQ Assessment, evaluation, intellectual, intelligence, testing, WISC IV, Sanford Binet, Wechsler
You don't have to stay on a waiting list. Dr. Garamoni specializes in performing Gifted IQ Assessments. He will discuss the pros and cons of testing with you, and, once the test results are completed, he will give you an interpretation of the results that helps you understand more about your child’s intellectual abilities than what is represented by a single IQ score.

Learn more about the
St. Johns County School District Gifted Program.

Learn more about the
Duval County School District Gifted Program.

Call 285-4229 for an appointment

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